Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mud Pie for Your Love

I still remember the first time I saw him, halting my steps in a new found curious fascination that gave me butterflies and the distinct gut feeling that I should be turning and running in the opposite direction. The year was 1988, and I was a four-year-old little pixie blond catching tadpoles in my pink tutu. We were living on Hanscom Airforce Base in Boston, MA where there was always a plethora of playmates to choose from.

I don't know if his family moved in after ours or if I was just too young to be aware of him before..but one fateful summer afternoon as my best friend Tiffany and I stood waiting for the daily run of the ice cream truck I glanced across the street and saw first crush.

To any other person he was just the average freckled face, skinned-knee young boy...but for me it was one of those moments where the clouds opened and a ray of sunshine beamed down on his face revealing the most beautiful creature I had ever seen.

Our families lived across the street from one another for at least a year or so before we moved. I don't remember if I ever was able to utter a word to him..but I do remember him being kind enough to play with a four-year-old (he was at least 8 or 9) and in my gratefulness for the kindness he showed me I made him a mud pie..and I'll never forget his name..John.

Twenty years later I'm a little taller, no longer blond, and no longer chasing tadpoles...but I am completely in love with a boy named John. I still get butterflies each time I see his face and am excited beyond belief to be flying down to Florida tomorrow to visit him at Spring Training where he's been working hard the past month. I can't wait for our dinners, our talks, to cheer him on from the stands as he steals a base, to "arguing" over who's movie picks are best, and to getting some well-needed time in the sun.

I'll be back late Tuesday night so this is my official "Out of the Office" message...I'll still be answering e-mails but if I'm responding a little later than normal don't get concerned...I'm just soaking in the sun, ballgames and my love.

And for those of you who only come for the's one of little miss Lila from her session earlier this week...and yes, she's on the kitchen's fab, i know ; ).

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