I hope everyone around my area had a wonderful snow day yesterday...and for those of you that are out of state but still checking in we saw the most snow that we have seen in like 10 years...schools & businesses were closed...and everyone was happy. : ) Unfortunately I didn't take any snow pics with my camera because..well..I was on the back of a 4-wheeler trekking through slush and mud, over hills and through water holes...and I was just not that gutsy to risk my equipment. I did however get a few pictures with my little point-and-shoot because a post with no pictures is just no fun!
On a more serious note, the night I had been looking forward to for weeks was postponed due to the inclement weather. I know I worried John half the day asking.."but what do you think Celine is going to do?!..you don't honestly think she would cancel her concert just because of a little snow??...I mean she has to know i've been waiting 24 years to see this!" He tried to reassure me that we wouldn't miss Celine...we would plan to leave 2 hours before the concert even started..and take his dad's hummer so even if we met with a mountain of ice and the abominable snowman we would easily plow over both.
At 5 I was just about to jump in the shower to start getting ready and thought "maybe I should check and make sure the concert's still on..but I know Celine won't cancel on me". I went to the RBC Center website and read "Due to the state of emergency declared today by Governor Perdue, Celine Dion has postponed her concert until tomorrow, January 21st."
I can handle that, she's a smart lady..just worried about our safety. Now, if I can just figure out how to covertly sneak my camera in...
Here you can see the huge orange sled we purchased on Monday just in case the weatherman was right...and yes, it is sticking out of my sunroof...don't worry though, the people across the street were laughing along with us.
MaryBeth & Jack riding on snow & mud...a yummy combination.

So attractive in his camo waiters ; )

Brody & Mr. Max
Mike waiting to ambush them with snowballs

I had some nice racoon eyes goin on..

And, finally..John, MB, & Anna dressing Izzie in her cute little snow parka

She hates it by the way...and refuses to move an inch when you put it on her..haha