Thursday, January 8, 2009

Blown Away

Okay..until recently I figured like 10 people actually read this blog...maybe 11 to include dad (hey dad) so I never even thought about putting up one of those counter things..I mean, come on there's so much more interesting things going on at To be honest I only started this site because it's kind of "the thing to do" in the photography's so much easier to post a few pictures of your recent work here than to edit your website. But I have really grown to love my blog..she's like that friend you have that will just sit there complacently and listen to you dish about your latest feeling or idea. I have always been a person of expression..whether it be through a song, by a dance or through a camera..we all have those outlets in life that just come naturally and if we haven't used them in a while we grow antsy. At least I do.
Alright, getting back to the whole point of this entry. Out of mere curiosity I loaded one of those site counters onto this blog about two days ago just to see how pitiful my ratings were. I checked back a day later and it said I had over 200 hits! So, to say I was pleasantly pleased would be just a slight understatement. Now, I don't know if that's a lot of if you do and it's not really that big of a deal...please don't burst this bubble. I'm just happy to know anyone outside of the Surles/Wood clan is taking a perusal.
The really cool thing is the different stats I can get from the site counter. Don't worry, I can't see who you are (unless I decide to start hacking IP addresses) but I can see from where you are looking. So, not only was I surprised to find out that more than 3 people were following this thing but I am pleased to announce that Mary me Photography is not only nationwide...we have gone GLOBAL people. That's right, without going through customs or having to show her passport my little blog has popped up in Seoul, Korea (thanks Liz). I think that's pretty awesome. I thought I'd throw in a few maps for those visual learners like me so you can get the full grasp of my territory..ha.
For those of you that are out of state, please let me know the next time you'll be in NC and we'll schedule a shoot...oh and I am always available for travel. ; )

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