Okay..we didn't drive all night..but we did sit in traffic for almost an hour, watching the clock go from 7:30 to 7:45 to 8:00 (official start time) to 8:15...finally pulling into a parking space at 8:30...at least half a mile from the RBC Center. We aren't the only ones though, there's actually a herd of people who, like us, didn't think traffic would be that bad. We jump out of the truck and start racing through the parking lot, weaving in and out of the mass, trying not to slip on the black ice surrounding us. Thank you Jessica Simpson for adding a little tread to the bottom of your oh-so-cute boots I just purchased. : ) However, trying to keep up with the "fastest baserunner" had me wheezing by the time we get to will call while John's not even winded. phew. In the midst of catching my breath I realize that I don't hear anything...no music...no amazing voice (because you know you would hear Celine from outside the venue if she was singing)..which means there must have been an opening act that wasn't advertised and which also means that we weren't late! John grabs the tickets, we rush inside, find our seats, and as soon as we sit down the lights dim...allowing Mrs. Dion to make her grand entrance...
I knew it was fate when she first walked out...we were both wearing purple. Hers was in the form of a sequined purple mini dress and 4 inch heels while mine was a sweater...but still...I knew at any moment she was going to pick me out of the crowd and invite me up on stage as a permanent back-up singer. We would be BFF's for sure. I was in Celine heaven all night long...the music, the dancers, the outfit changes...and John...well he made some comment about needing to regain his manhood...ha.
Needless to say at the end of the night I was a very happy girl...and now with Martina and Celine down I have seen 2 of the 3 ladies that I just "have to see before I die". Who would have thought that Allison Kraus would be so hard to get...someone needs to tell her that this area is actually very southern and she and her bluegrass band would just love it here. Really. Sweet tea in mason jars.
Oh..and I did bring my big Canon but was only able to bring in the little Canon..so the pictures are so-so and really don't do justice for how awesome our seats were.

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