I will be MIA the next few days...going on a ski trip with my church. I'm taking my camera but leaving my laptop because I've decided that I spend WAY too much time on it and I need to give my eyes (and brain) a rest. I am going to put forth extra effort into experimenting more with my camera this weekend..so check back to see if I get anything good. I haven't been skiing since 3rd grade so hopefully I'll come back with no major injuries. Good thing my ski jacket is black in case I ski off the side of a mountain at least someone will spot me.
Posts are no fun without pictures so let's see what I can find on my hard drive...Oooh, these are pictures that I've kept running across and thought they'd be so cute in black and white...I took these over at my agent's (Dae Wood) house (I call her my agent because she is constantly sending me business and I LOVE her for that!) This is Bryson and his sister Gracie and they are just cute.as.pie!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
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